all my life i had these elderly couple neighbors that would always give me birthday and x-mas cards with like 5 bucks stuffed inside saying "go grab a burger on us" sorta thing, very nice people. so yesterday i was at my moms and i came outside and someone had left a large parcel in my car, it was a gift from the nice couple.... just a little bit different then a fin for a burger this year....
where do you even find this kinda shit!!!!
did some running around today... stopped by the opening day of american apparel to holler at mega.
down to the tattoo shop to see panda and matt....
i love hanging out at the tattoo shop, very inspiring...
andrew is a serious artist on and off skin, everyone should go get stabbed by him.
coffee-ana-grit soon taking over.....
lotsa good shit coming up soon, stay tuned.