So the polls are closed. Thanks to everyone who came out and voted. Heres your results.
Street Smokes has?
the worst breath WINNER!
19 (61%)
rippy gitchies
3 (9%)
4 (12%)
jungle tits
5 (16%)
no surprise. Globalopalos.
I dont remember what the fuck went down here
plastic puppies vs real puppiesCHICO
I went to mums to wash gitch. Sister/Porchski aka Hitler.
Sister: "Kims new boyfriend is a paramedic, listen to this story. So there is this guy that lives on home street. All the people that live around him leave him food and drink cause he's poor or something. So the neighbours realize that they have not seen or heard from this guy in about a week. They call the cops to go into his house to make sure hes ok. The cop comes in and sees the dude hunched over in a chair and his head is bleeding and maggots are eating at the infection. The cop calls in a code black which means they found a dead body. Just as he calls it in the guy lifts his head and says "hey what ya want?" He was alive. He got hit in the head and passed out in the chair and his injury prevented him from being able to get up. He was rotting away alive. He also was eating the maggots to stay alive and going to the washroom in his chair. The paramedics came and they were throwing up. It smelt so bad. This happened in WINNIPEG and its going to be in a bunch of medical journals. Crazy huh?"
1:41am. Late sesh = sore morning.
Coffee ana Brent